Agile Development.

Scrum, Kanban and Lean are in vogue and have become established as agile methods in project work. Agile software development is a development method that can react quickly to changing requirements, since development is carried out in many small and complete cycles and there is increased communication between developers. In this article I give a short overview of the functions and roles of IBM Enterprise Lifecycle Management (ELM).

Agile Manifesto

Four guiding principles form the foundation of agile development. In February 2001 they were formulated by 17 initial signatories as the Agile Manifesto as follows:

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

  • Individuals and Interactions over processes and tools
  • Working Software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer Collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to Change over following a plan

Waterfall Method

In classical software development the waterfall method is often used. This method with its linear steps is best suited for projects with fixed and stable requirements and a product definition that does not change.

Waterfall method

Agile Method

Agility stands for flexibility and adaptability to project changes. The focus is on the system to be created. The project is approached in its entirety rather than divided into sequential, independent phases. The requirement descriptions are formulated briefly and concisely from the user's point of view and prioritized in a backlog. A high priority is given to improving collaboration and communication between teams that normally do not work together. The advantage is a shortening of release cycles and a faster time-to-market. Customer feedback is integrated into the development process at an early stage.

Agile Method with Incremental Delivery

Enterprise Lifecycle Management Platform and OSLC

The IBM Engineering Management Solution (ELM) is considered in the article. It is based on a scalable and extensible platform that is hosted on The architecture allows the integration of products not based on the platform or even third party products.

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC)

The platform uses the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC). The industry standard ( contains the specifications for the interoperability of ALM, PLM and DevOps.

OSLC is inspired by the Internet architecture. Through the interfaces, lifecycle tools can access resources and point to resources where the data resides.

With IBM ELM different development methods can be used. These include traditional, agile and hybrid methods as well as Scaled Agile (SAFe).

Enterprise Lifecycle Management – Look & Feel

Das IBM Enterprise Lifecycle Management includes Requirements Management, Workflow Management, Test Management, System Design, Software Configuration Management and Build Management.

A so-called Lifecycle Project can be established and includes the following connections.

Traceability im Engineering Lifecycle Project

IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management in Aktion

With the following screenshots I show the interaction in a demo project. The automated control system of the car for the racetrack is developed using the agile method. The optimal control of the racing car is supported by artificial intelligence. The Scrum method is used for development.

Demo Racing Track

Roles and their views

Each role in agile development requires a specific view or workspace in the project. I present the respective views in the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management Tool for the stakeholder, product owner, scrum master, the scrum team and the developer. How does the team work together for the agile development of an automated control system for the racetrack?

Release planing

He makes sure the schedules are clear and the sprints produce whole, manageable work.

Release planing

Vision Dockument

The stakeholder plays a central role in the agile approach. He commissions the implementation of the project, develops the project vision and enters requests in the form. In addition, the stakeholder follows the backlog stories and the work of the team. He is not directly a member of the development team, but has a special interest in the project outcome.

Vision Document

Check requirements quality with Requirements Quality Assistant

Before stories are written, the requirements entered can be checked with the IBM Requirements Quality Assistant to ensure that they comply with the INCOSE Guidelines for Writing Good Requirements. The pre-trained AI model of the service can recognize whether, for example, the requirement was formulated ambiguous, negatively or passively, the actor is unclear, whether units, tolerances or actions are missing. In addition, the solution finds requirement components or restrictions that make the requirement unclear and difficult to verify.

Requirements Quality Assistant

Stories and Product Backlog

The product owner represents the customer. He shares the product vision with the Scrum team so that all team members can refer to it at any time. He also fills the product backlog by importing epics and stories from existing sources and adding stories one at a time. He refines and prioritizes the backlog. The ELM solution offers the corresponding templates, lists and input masks.

Story and Product Backlog

Scrum Meeting

The Scrum Master ensures that the Scrum rules are observed in the project. He helps the team to meet their delivery goals and constantly looks for possible improvements. For the regular Scrum meeting, he needs information about the obstacles that have arisen, as well as the status of the planned items in the taskboard view.

Moderation and support are important tasks of the Scrum Master. He is responsible for removing obstacles to team progress. Impediments can be entered into the ELM Platform. The system notifies the Scrum Master through reporting and built-in notifications. The retrospective at the end of each sprint is also important. There should be reflection on what worked and what didn't.

Scrum Master Sprint Backlog und Impediment

Transparent view of development progress

For his work, the Scrum Master needs information about the development progress. Important information, such as open stories, release burndown or sprint burndown, is displayed in lists and graphically on the dashboard. The Scrum Master can quickly and easily read the required information from the prepared views.


What is the current development status?

The stakeholder can see in the dashboard what the team is currently working on. The product backlog view provides an overview of the backlog and the stories that are still open.

Backlog Stories and Dashboard

Developer's transparent view of the project

In the „My Work/Inbox“ view, the developer can track what they are responsible for and when they need to collaborate with other team members. It can use the built-in functionalities for Source Control Management (SCM) or has an integration possibility to other development tools like GIT or SVN. In addition, the developer can work in his usual IDE, such as eclipse or Visual Studio. Rules can also be defined in the tool, which support the developer in his work.

Developer IDE

Test Management

Test management is integrated with requirements and workflow management. The tester can adapt the test plan to specific process or qualification standards. Fast manual testing is possible, as is integration with test automation tools. The tool provides an overall view of test plans and detailed execution status. The team sees the progress on the dashboard in real time.


The IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management solution is scalable, integrated and based on an open software development platform. Third-party products as well as open source solutions such as GIT or Subversion can be connected. Agile approaches Scrum, Kanban and Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) are also supported. The solution can run on-premise and also in the cloud. The respective dashboards are also particularly positive, offering a very good introduction and transparency in the project for those involved.

What should be considered: The Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) solution is an enterprise solution and requires some effort for installation and configuration. Also, a certain amount of learning time should be scheduled in the kick-off phase in order to make the best possible use of the important functionalities.



Hubert Spieß
Reventlowstraße 5
80805 München
Tel. 0175 7281914


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